"Elections: An Instructional Unit for Elementary Grades" by Janet McClain

Faculty Publications


ERIC Document - ED286800 found in the ERIC Database

Document Type



Citizen Participation; Citizen Role; Citizenship Education; Class Activities


In order to increase students' awareness of their place in the nation's political life; this unit introduces young children to the electoral process. Each lesson includes objectives; materials; procedures; and supplementary materials that can be duplicated for student use. The first five lessons are designed to improve student awareness of elections and to identify information sources. In lessons six through eight; students study congressional and presidential elections and learn about the rich cultural heritage centered around the District of Columbia. Lesson nine is concerned with the branches of government. Students evaluate campaign strategies in lesson 10. The children identify characteristics and responsibilities of good leaders in lesson 11. In order to understand voting and political parties; the students carry out a mock election and identify political parties and their mascots in lessons 12 and 13. Inauguration day and the six major roles of the president are emphasized in lessons 14 and 15. Students study the history of the presidency and identify prominent presidents through creation of a presidential train in lessons 16 and 17. In lesson 18 the students gain an appreciation of their national heritage by learning the symbolism related to the flag. The last four lessons have children participate in a political rally; vote; and evaluate their understanding of the unit. (SM)


Department of Teaching

Original Publication Date


Object Description

1 PDF file (120 pages)


UNI ScholarWorks, Rod Library, University of Northern Iowa


©1984 Janet McClain



File Format

