Faculty Publications
A Non–Stationary Non–Gaussian Hedonic Spatial Model For House Selling Prices
Document Type
Bayesian analysis, Geostatistics, Hedonic models, Hoglot, Localized externality, Spatial correlation
Journal/Book/Conference Title
Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation
This work proposes a hedonic random field model to describe house selling prices from 2000 to 2005 in Cedar Falls, Iowa. This real estate market presents two distinctive features that are not well described by traditional stationary Gaussian random field models: (a) the city has, on its periphery, a hoglot that acts as an externality, affecting both the mean and variance of the selling prices, and (b) the distribution of house selling prices display heavy tails, even after the distance to the hoglot and house–specific covariates are accounted for in the mean structure of the model. A non–stationary and non–Gaussian random field model is constructed by multiplying two independent Gaussian random fields tailored to model the probabilistic features displayed by the Cedar Falls dataset. A Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm that uses data augmentation is employed to fit the proposed model.
Department of Mathematics
Original Publication Date
DOI of published version
UNI ScholarWorks, Rod Library, University of Northern Iowa
Recommended Citation
De Oliveira, Victor and Ecker, Mark D., "A Non–Stationary Non–Gaussian Hedonic Spatial Model For House Selling Prices" (2019). Faculty Publications. 562.