Faculty Publications


ERIC Document - ED411772 found in the ERIC Database

Document Type



Computer Networks; Course Evaluation; Distance Education; Higher Education; Nontraditional Education; Student Reaction; Student Surveys; Teaching Methods


Currently every Area Education Agency; community college; and Regent University in Iowa is connected by a fiber optic system known as the Iowa Communications Network (ICN). Every semester; 7 to 13 college credit classes have been offered at the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) via the ICN since 1993. In the Spring of 1995 seven classes (six graduate; one undergraduate) were offered on the ICN by UNI; all were taught by a different instructor; each of whom had participated in a 3-day preparatory workshop. All 168 students were surveyed and 103 responded. Students reported their instructors used a variety of teaching strategies with lecture and discussion as the two most common. In spite of this emphasis on lecture and discussion; a variety of other strategies were used including case studies; demonstrations; story telling; simulations; and role playing. Student evaluation of the teaching strategies over the interactive video medium indicated a general perception of effectiveness. One concern expressed about the distance learning setting is the effect on student behaviors. Students commonly responded that the fiber optic setting made "no difference" on class attendance; asking and answering questions; and motivation to learn. Fifty-nine percent of the students agreed or strongly agreed with the statement: "There is a real advantage to being in the origination site classroom;" while 23% were neutral and 17% disagreed. An overwhelming majority (87%) of the students indicated a favorable response to taking another class on the ICN. (AEF)


Department of Communication Studies

Original Publication Date


Object Description

1 PDF file (10 pages)


UNI ScholarWorks, Rod Library, University of Northern Iowa


©1996 Mary Bozick



File Format

