Faculty Publications
Perception Of The Bachelor Of Applied Science Degree At 4-Year Institutions: A Look Through The Lens Of University Personnel
Document Type
career-technical education, college access, college completion, education reform, Higher education, vocational-technical education
Journal/Book/Conference Title
Journal of Vocational Education and Training
Using Academic Plans in Sociocultural Context as a framework, this study examined university personnel’s perspectives of the Bachelor of Applied Science degrees. Through quantitative techniques, the findings from this study show university faculty and administrators associated with liberal arts education view Bachelor of Applied Science degrees differently than those associated with specialisation majors. It was also found that workforce demand was a strong predictor of university personnel’s support in the offering of a Bachelor of Applied Science. In addition, results suggest university personnel background characteristics, such as academic position and the type of courses taught, were associated with their support of the offering of a Bachelor of Applied Science. The findings of this study are informative to academic leaders, faculty, administrations, and policymakers who are interested in the development or revision of Bachelor of Applied science degrees at 4-year institutions.
Department of Applied Engineering and Technical Management
Original Publication Date
DOI of published version
Recommended Citation
Geisinger, Lee John and Friedel, Janice Nahra, "Perception Of The Bachelor Of Applied Science Degree At 4-Year Institutions: A Look Through The Lens Of University Personnel" (2022). Faculty Publications. 5328.