Faculty Publications
The Importance Of An Inquiry Model In Teaching And Learning
Document Type
Cognitive maps (Psychology), Inquiry-based learning, Student-centred learning
Journal/Book/Conference Title
Global Action for School Libraries: Models of Inquiry
First Page
Last Page
Although inquiry-based learning is an active process focused on problems or scenarios, many students enter into the experience with flawed mental models of what is understood by inquiry. They tend to envision it as a more traditional transfer of collected information from sources to achieve a final product of knowledge. A consistent approach to instruction across grades and disciplines can help students develop their understanding of inquiry and lead to the feeling of accomplishment inherent in discovery learning. Adopting an inquiry process model helps learners distinguish between inquiry and reportage, offers a lexicon for communication, and defines a framework for curriculum development and assessment. Embracing a learner profile that incorporates the dispositions of inquiry strengthens the connection between the inquiry model and the learner.
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
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Recommended Citation
Donham, Jean, "The Importance Of An Inquiry Model In Teaching And Learning" (2022). Faculty Publications. 5292.