"Victimization: Sexual Minorities" by Ramona S. McNeal, Susan M. Kunkle et al.

Faculty Publications

Victimization: Sexual Minorities

Document Type


Journal/Book/Conference Title

Research Anthology on Inclusivity and Equity for the LGBTQ+ Community

First Page


Last Page



Not all groups are equally likely to be subject to acts of aggression; specific subgroups are more likely to be victimized. For example, youth who identify as a sexual minority are more likely to be victims of traditional forms of bullying than their heterosexual friends. There has been less research, however, on population subgroups and the likelihood of becoming a victim of cyber aggression. In exploring this topic, this chapter examines several questions including, “How important is the amount of time spent online as an intermediate variable in predicting whether an individual will become a victim of cyber aggression?” and “Does sexual orientation impact the likelihood of being a victim of cyberaggression above and beyond the amount of time spent online?” Multivariate statistical methods and survey data from the Pew Research Center for the year 2014 was used in this analysis.


Department of Political Science

Original Publication Date


DOI of published version

