Faculty Publications

Connecting Elementary Students Through Grid Pals To Develop Literacy Skills

Document Type


Journal/Book/Conference Title

The Reading Teacher

First Page


Last Page



Emerging technologies bring about continually evolving New Literacies (Lankshear & Knobel, 2011). These new meaning-making practices require developing requisite knowledge, skills, and dispositions to leverage digital tools and technologies while developing digital and critical literacy skills (Alvermann, 2010; Kalantzis & Cope, 1997; Kress, 2003; Ripp, 2017; Vasquez, 2004). Guidance on technological tools is needed for their effective use while keeping digital citizenship and Internet safety in mind (Zumpano, 2021). UNESCO (2011) provides an ICT Teacher Competency Framework within the global context to leverage technology while aiming for digital equity.

Best practices mitigate barriers to access with equity and inclusion through multiple means of representation, engagement, and expression (Ross & Meyer, 2000). Emphasis is placed on developing 21st-century literacies (Rheingold, 2010b) and literacy in the digital age (NCTE, 2019) with effective and critical participation in a networked world, culturally sustaining communication, and honoring multilingual identities through intercultural understanding and global collaboration (Clark, 2020).


Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Original Publication Date


Object Description

1 PDF file

DOI of published version

