Faculty Publications
From Zero To Sixty In Seven Months: Managing The Change To A New Computer System
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Proceedings ACM SIGUCCS User Services Conference
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A NEW SYSTEM ?! The very words strike fear into even the most hardened of user consultants. Such is the nature of system implementation and conversion that even grown analysts have been known to prefer the job of IBM JCL debugger to that of managing the change to a new (and heaven forbid), another manufacturer's mainframe. This presentation will outline some of the steps taken at the University of Northern Iowa to make the transition from one computer system (HP-2000) to another (Harris 800). Before I begin, I must clear up some common misconceptions: we are the University of Northern Iowa. Mail addressed to Ohio or Idaho is not likely to reach us; and yes, there are three state universities in Iowa!
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Recommended Citation
Ward, Terry A., "From Zero To Sixty In Seven Months: Managing The Change To A New Computer System" (1982). Faculty Publications. 4876.