Faculty Publications

A Golf Skills Test Battery For College Males And Females

Document Type



Green Golf Test, Motor skills, Skill acquisition

Journal/Book/Conference Title

Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport





First Page


Last Page



One of the major objectives of American physical education programs is the development of motor skills. Generally, such skills are manifested by participation in various sports or athletic endeavors. Assuming that skill acquisition is a component of physical education programs, a primary responsibility confronting physical educators is the measurement and evaluation of sport skill achievement. According to Baumgartner and Jackson (1982), the achievement of sport skills can be measured by three general means: Skills tests, rating scales, and performance itself. Golf is one sport in which the performance can serve as an overall objective index of golf skill. However, one’s overall golf ability is dependent upon a number of underlying components or skills, that when properly integrated, produce the true criterion of golf performance. According to most authorities, there are five basic skill components in playing the game of golf: putting, chipping, pitching, using middle-distance irons, and driving (Bowling, 1964; Brown, 1969; Cochran & Stobbs, 1969; Rehling, 1953). Although both subjective and objective measures have been used to assess sport skill achievement in physical education, Safrit (1973) has stressed the importance of making objective rather than subjective judgments. While a subjective rating instrument may be used effectively by a privileged few, most physical education instructors search for objective skills tests to assist in the evaluation of sport skills. Numerous skills tests designed to measure golfing skills have been constructed (Autrey, 1937; Brown, 1969; Cochrane, 1960; Green, 1972; Kelly, 1956; Williford, 1970; Wood, 1933). Many of these tests have been validated incorrectly, suffer from poor reliability, are time-consuming to administer and score, or simply fail to meet the varying needs of physical education teachers. © 1987 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


Department of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Original Publication Date


DOI of published version

