Faculty Publications
Jealousy In Sport: Exploring Jealousy's Relationship To Cohesion
Document Type
Journal/Book/Conference Title
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology
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The present study continued the development and revision of the Sport Jealousy Scale (SJS) and investigated the relationships among jealousy, cohesion, and satisfaction with athletes. The original SJS (now SJS-II) was revised and given to 236 Division I athletes along with the Group Cohesion Questionnaire (GEQ; Carron, Widmeyer, & Brawley, 1985), the Revised Self-Report Jealousy Scale (SRJS-II; Bringle, Roach, Andler, & Evenbeck, 1977), and the Satisfaction Questionnaire (Widmeyer & Williams, 1991). Jealousy was negatively correlated with both cohesion (r =?.23, p <.01) and satisfaction (r =?.22, p <.01). Following Baron and Kenny's (1986) three-step model for testing mediation, satisfaction partially mediates the relationship between jealousy and cohesion. The results confirm the existence of jealousy in sport, provide psychometric evidence for a measure of sport jealousy, validate expected relationships among jealousy, cohesion, and satisfaction, and provide initial information on gender and sport differences in jealousy and cohesion. These findings will help researchers continue to examine jealousy and its correlates in sport teams, and may help coaches and professionals working with teams maintain positive team dynamics.
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Kamphoff, Cindra S.; Gill, Diane L.; and Huddleston, Sharon, "Jealousy In Sport: Exploring Jealousy's Relationship To Cohesion" (2005). Faculty Publications. 3005.