Faculty Publications

Distance Education: A Flexible Teaching And Learning Delivery Method

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Journal/Book/Conference Title

2009 International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies, AICT 2009


Distance Education today is one of the most commonly used types of educational delivery method. Almost every major and medium size university around the world has some kind of distance education services, regardless of the subjects taught. In this paper, I intend to discuss instruction such as seminars, lectures and direct classroom instruction which can be shared by distant institutions. Time differences between two distant institutions can be overcome by employing the satellite technology or recording facilities of institutions. Immediate presence of an instructor in the classroom is always sought after. However, the screen where one student can interact with an instructor provides no less opportunity. Distance Education can be enriched by applying some other technologies as cable TV-like structures, direct live connection between institutions, and alike; but time difference in many cases will be there as a problem to be solved. We can even suggest changing working schedules of our employees, namely, instructors who teach distance classes. The suggestions made here depend upon the assumption that language of instruction at these distant education institutions is English. ©2009 IEEE.

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