Faculty Publications
Coercivity And Exchange Bias Of Mn0.25 Ti1.1 S 2 In The Cluster-Glass State
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Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Magnetic measurements have been carried out on the Mn-intercalated transition-metal dichalcogenide Mn0.25 Ti1+y S 2. The material, which contained a concentration y ≤ 0.1 of excess intercalated Ti, exhibited paramagnetic behavior at high temperatures with an effective moment per Mn ion of μeff =6.07±0.23 μB, which shows that the system comprises localized Mn2⊃+ moments. A Curie-Weiss temperature ΘCW =-26±1 K indicated that antiferromagnetic interactions were dominant. Deviation from Curie-Weiss behavior below 100 K signaled the formation of antiferromagnetically correlated clusters. Bifurcation of the zero-field-cooled and field-cooled magnetizations below 20 K indicated a transition to a cluster-glass state. The cluster-glass state exhibited hysteresis and a loop shift indicating exchange bias. The behavior of the coercivity and exchange bias can be understood using a model in which frozen spins at the periphery of a cluster interact with the antiferromagnetically correlated interior. © 2010 The American Physical Society.
Department of Physics
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Shand, P. M.; Rash, T.; Streicher, M.; Kidd, T. E.; Boyle, K. R.; and Strauss, L. H., "Coercivity And Exchange Bias Of Mn0.25 Ti1.1 S 2 In The Cluster-Glass State" (2010). Faculty Publications. 2027.