Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Thesis (UNI Access Only)


Preschool children--Psychology; Classroom management; Early childhood education;


Current statistics indicate that up to 10% of preschool students demonstrate a problematic level of disruptive behavior in the classroom. Without sufficient support, many teachers are underprepared to effectively manage and teach appropriate behavior to their preschool students, resulting in overwhelming numbers of suspension and expulsion in very young students. Research indicates that with specific, applied training in preschool classroom management strategies, teachers are better able to address challenging behavior in their classrooms. Teaching appropriate behavior involves both explicit instruction of desirable behavior, as well as appropriate reinforcement of the demonstration of appropriate or replacement behavior. The implementation of antecedent, teaching, and response interventions and strategies provides the support that students with challenging behavior require. Researchers have shown that structured classrooms and comprehensive classroom management provide a more supportive environment for preschool children. When implemented appropriately, reinforcement systems, timeout, and other well‐matched response strategies can shape behavior in an effective, efficient manner. With a comprehensive behavior management structure, and implementation of the described research‐based strategies, preschool students are able to learn and succeed in classroom settings, as well as prepare for future schooling.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Department of Educational Psychology and Foundations

First Advisor

Stephanie Schmitz

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (iv, 48 pages)



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