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Presentation Type

Open Access Poster Presentation


In recent years, drug usage has increased on a global scale, and with this has come an array of responses from various countries suffering the effects. This study will compare and contrast the approaches of Norway, The Philippines, and the United States. The Norwegian approach focuses on harm reduction, preventative measures, and accessible treatment. The Philippines declared an all-out war on drugs, creating human rights violations and a lethal environment for those suffering from addiction. The United States varies by state in their responses, with many aiming to dismantle harmful federal policy from the 1970s “War On Drugs.” Through these comparisons, this study will identify best practice to ensure quality treatment and prevention measures around the world.

Start Date

9-4-2024 11:00 AM

End Date

9-4-2024 11:50 AM

Faculty Advisor

Itunu Illesanmi


Department of Social Work

Student Type

Undergraduate Student


This entry was a part of the following session:

  • Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2024
  • Time: 11:00 to 11:50 a.m.
  • Moderator: Lane Forsman

File Format



Apr 9th, 11:00 AM Apr 9th, 11:50 AM

A Comparative Analysis of Drug Use Policies: A Global Guide to Prevention and Treatment

In recent years, drug usage has increased on a global scale, and with this has come an array of responses from various countries suffering the effects. This study will compare and contrast the approaches of Norway, The Philippines, and the United States. The Norwegian approach focuses on harm reduction, preventative measures, and accessible treatment. The Philippines declared an all-out war on drugs, creating human rights violations and a lethal environment for those suffering from addiction. The United States varies by state in their responses, with many aiming to dismantle harmful federal policy from the 1970s “War On Drugs.” Through these comparisons, this study will identify best practice to ensure quality treatment and prevention measures around the world.