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Open Access Poster Presentation


Following the Great Depression, FDR created The New Deal. The New Deal included The National Housing Act of 1934. Since more people were able to afford homes, The Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) created Residential Security Maps, to “ensure” that the recipients of these loans would be able to repaid the banks. These maps were the redlining maps responsible for housing segregation in many cities within America.

Redlining maps color-coded neighborhoods based on the “quality” and “financial risk” that each neighborhood reflected. One common pattern within redlined neighborhoods, was that recipients were considered higher risks for loans. Often times, the residents living in these neighborhoods were individuals of racial and ethnic minorities, specifically African Americans.

Start Date

8-4-2024 12:00 PM

End Date

8-4-2024 12:50 PM

Faculty Advisor

Jayme Renfro


Department of Biology

Student Type

Undergraduate Student


This entry was a part of the following session:

  • Date: Monday, April 8, 2024
  • Time: 12:00 to 12:50 p.m.
  • Moderator: Kyle Rudick

File Format



Apr 8th, 12:00 PM Apr 8th, 12:50 PM

"Redlining" : The Significant Impact It Created on Health in Waterloo, Iowa

Following the Great Depression, FDR created The New Deal. The New Deal included The National Housing Act of 1934. Since more people were able to afford homes, The Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) created Residential Security Maps, to “ensure” that the recipients of these loans would be able to repaid the banks. These maps were the redlining maps responsible for housing segregation in many cities within America.

Redlining maps color-coded neighborhoods based on the “quality” and “financial risk” that each neighborhood reflected. One common pattern within redlined neighborhoods, was that recipients were considered higher risks for loans. Often times, the residents living in these neighborhoods were individuals of racial and ethnic minorities, specifically African Americans.