Complete Schedule
"Beautiful Work": The Works Progress Administration Arts Programs 1935-1944
Presentation Type
Oral Presentation
On May 6, 1935 Roosevelt set into motion the controversial division of the Works Progress Administration, the Federal Art Project. During its short history, the Federal Art Project would become the target of the United States House Committee on Un-American Activities, which attempted to link certain artistic expressions with "communist" ideals. Communism fears are typically remembered as being during the Cold War Era of 1947-1992. However, the fear began sooner which can be seen in the investigation of the WPA. In my paper I am exploring how the partisan hunt for communism bleeds into the criticism of art and the Works Progress Administration's Art Programs.
Start Date
13-4-2021 1:00 PM
End Date
13-4-2021 2:00 PM
Faculty Advisor
Brian Roberts
Department of History
Student Type
Undergraduate Student
©2021 Dana Jamison
Recommended Citation
Jamison, Dana, ""Beautiful Work": The Works Progress Administration Arts Programs 1935-1944" (2021). INSPIRE Student Research and Engagement Conference. 43.
"Beautiful Work": The Works Progress Administration Arts Programs 1935-1944
On May 6, 1935 Roosevelt set into motion the controversial division of the Works Progress Administration, the Federal Art Project. During its short history, the Federal Art Project would become the target of the United States House Committee on Un-American Activities, which attempted to link certain artistic expressions with "communist" ideals. Communism fears are typically remembered as being during the Cold War Era of 1947-1992. However, the fear began sooner which can be seen in the investigation of the WPA. In my paper I am exploring how the partisan hunt for communism bleeds into the criticism of art and the Works Progress Administration's Art Programs.
This entry was part of the following session of the event: