2020 INSPIRE Student Research and Engagement Showcase

Testing the Effects of Mindfulness Meditation in Reducing Music Performance Anxiety as Measured by Cortisol and Self-Report

Presentation Type

Open Access Paper Presentation


Performance anxiety; Meditation--Therapeutic use;


Music performance anxiety (MPA) is a debilitating phenomenon for many musicians. This study investigates if a single meditation can help reduce music performance anxiety (as measured by cortisol reactivity and self-reported state and trait MPA) in musicians prior to a public performance compared to those listening to a control monologue. The meditation group was not significantly different from the control group on cortisol reactivity or state MPA. However, cortisol reactivity and trait MPA moderated the relationship between meditation and state MPA in this sample. The implications of a potential moderating effect of trait MPA and cortisol reactivity are discussed.

Start Date

17-4-2020 12:00 PM

End Date

17-4-2020 4:00 PM

Faculty Advisor

M. Catherine DeSoto


Department of Psychology

Student Type

Undergraduate Student

File Format



Apr 17th, 12:00 PM Apr 17th, 4:00 PM

Testing the Effects of Mindfulness Meditation in Reducing Music Performance Anxiety as Measured by Cortisol and Self-Report

Music performance anxiety (MPA) is a debilitating phenomenon for many musicians. This study investigates if a single meditation can help reduce music performance anxiety (as measured by cortisol reactivity and self-reported state and trait MPA) in musicians prior to a public performance compared to those listening to a control monologue. The meditation group was not significantly different from the control group on cortisol reactivity or state MPA. However, cortisol reactivity and trait MPA moderated the relationship between meditation and state MPA in this sample. The implications of a potential moderating effect of trait MPA and cortisol reactivity are discussed.