"Going with the Flow: Quantifying Lead Levels Along a Natural Water Pat" by Kailah Thompson and Joshua Sebree

Fall 2024 - Chemical Analysis Class Projects



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Open Access Poster

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Open Access Poster Presentation


Lead contamination in natural water is a significant concern due to its toxic effects on both ecological and human health. Jackson County, with its historical background in lead mining and ammunition production, presents an ideal region to study lead’s movement and potential impacts in natural water environments. This research traces the journey of lead ions from a spring, through a creek, and into a pond, examining how lead concentrations change along the water pathway. The study uses differential pulse stripping voltammetry, a precise technique for trace metal analysis, alongside pH and temperature measurements to provide insight into factors that influence lead distribution and mobility in natural water. The results of this study could shed light on local lead contamination sources and patterns while also providing data that may be helpful to quality management for communities and ecosystem alike.

Publication Date

Fall 2024

Faculty Advisor

Joshua Sebree


Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry


Rod Library, University of Northern Iowa



File Format


Going with the Flow: Quantifying Lead Levels Along a Natural Water Pathway

Included in

Chemistry Commons
