Camouflage Cartoons Archive
Alt Text: Series of drawings all featuring cubist topics and a variety of people interacting. Transcription: [Left to Right] I'm cured. The cubist "goods" will do much to help the cause of temperance. After this dance we'll go out on the air and get a breath of fresh veranda. The floor is very tuneful but the music is too slippery. The cubist are getting strong enough to organize a political party. The cubist cigar-holder. What is your address? I want to send you my occulist bill. The new cubist material is a bit hard on the eyes. Why don't the barbers fall in line with the cubist haircut or cubist whiskers. Say, don't you know smoke can't travel over fifty miles? Maybe they expect me to operate on the water, The 'last word: cubist knives and forks. I'm the guy: Give me all the beef stew I can eat and a board to sleep on and I can paint the greatest pictures in the world. This studio life is not very elegant but hardship brings out the best there is in an artist. Little split-pea, who are you? I'm the guy that put the stew in studio.
Creation Date
Source Citation
Washington Times (Washington, D. C.), April 23, 1913.
UNI ScholarWorks, Rod Library, University of Northern Iowa
File Format