Camouflage Cartoons Archive
Alt Text: Series of drawings involving men and women in a variety of situations. Transcription: A free tip for the army: Why not try women camoufleurs? [Top left to bottom] Having his black eye camouflaged. They pinched me clothes barrel camouflage. Now honest would you notice it? Camouflage with the rouge pencil. Camouflage at the E.R.H. the burlesque. Camouflage for that bald spot. [Bottom of page] Why don't some of the armies hire women as camoufleurs, anyhow? They've been doing it all their lives. Think of the rouge, the switches and the powder puff. Then ponder over the pads and braces. Why, as we gather it, half the art of being an up-to-date young woman is camouflage. Of course there are men, too, like John D. who wear wigs; and other brothers who disguise themselves (absent method) as sick patients to help the fourth man in the game to get out for the evening. Old stuff, this camouflaging.
Creation Date
Source Citation
Ogden Standard (Ogden, Utah), 1917.
UNI ScholarWorks, Rod Library, University of Northern Iowa
File Format