UNI ScholarWorks - Annual Graduate Student Symposium: Using GIS for Determining Optimal Refugee Camp Placement in Western Thailand

Complete Schedule

Presentation Type

Open Access Poster Presentation


Refugee camps--Thailand--Location; Refugee camps--Thailand--Geographic information systems;


Refugee camps are often over crowded, which can create security issues and create strain on the camp infrastructure, supplies, officials, and other areas. ‘GIS for Good’ created methodology to determine optimal placement for refugee camps in Uganda using GIS. Their model focused on environmental (ie. Distance to water, land use, etc.) and social factors (population density, distance to education and health facilities, etc.). These factors were reclassified to rank most optimal sites 10 and least optimal sites 1. Factors were also weighted to give more emphasis to distance from water, slope, and food suitability sites compared to other factors. These factors were then input in a raster calculator to determine optimal refugee camp placement. Using ‘GIS for Good’s’ model, refugee camp placement in Western Thailand was created to measure potential locations for arriving refuges from Karen and Karenni states in Burma (Myanmar). The suitability map illustrated the potential that ‘GIS for Good’ methodology has in determining placement for refugee camp sites, however, weights, data, and methodology would need to be altered to better serve the region and population.

Start Date

3-4-2018 11:00 AM

End Date

3-4-2018 1:30 PM

Faculty Advisor

Andrey Petrov


Department of Geography

File Format


Embargo Date



Apr 3rd, 11:00 AM Apr 3rd, 1:30 PM

Using GIS for Determining Optimal Refugee Camp Placement in Western Thailand

Refugee camps are often over crowded, which can create security issues and create strain on the camp infrastructure, supplies, officials, and other areas. ‘GIS for Good’ created methodology to determine optimal placement for refugee camps in Uganda using GIS. Their model focused on environmental (ie. Distance to water, land use, etc.) and social factors (population density, distance to education and health facilities, etc.). These factors were reclassified to rank most optimal sites 10 and least optimal sites 1. Factors were also weighted to give more emphasis to distance from water, slope, and food suitability sites compared to other factors. These factors were then input in a raster calculator to determine optimal refugee camp placement. Using ‘GIS for Good’s’ model, refugee camp placement in Western Thailand was created to measure potential locations for arriving refuges from Karen and Karenni states in Burma (Myanmar). The suitability map illustrated the potential that ‘GIS for Good’ methodology has in determining placement for refugee camp sites, however, weights, data, and methodology would need to be altered to better serve the region and population.