The Wright Message



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University of Northern Iowa. Department of Mathematics--Periodicals;


Inside this issue:

-- Dear Alumni and Friends
-- Dr. Edward Rathmell retires from UNI
-- 2015 Hari Shankar Lecture
-- Around Wright Hall
-- Congratulations to....
-- Faculty Highlights
-- Student News
-- 2015-2016 Tenure-Stream Faculty
-- Alumni Spotlight: Clayton Edwards & Mary Theilen
-- Department Interviews: Adrienne Stanley, Joel Haack, , Benjamin Castle & Suzanne Shontz
-- UNI Students Travel to Korea
-- Trijitzsky Scholarship Winner Emily Wardenburg
-- Student Spotlights: Amber Irlmeier, Britney Bockstahler, Derek Hofland & Julia Robinson
-- PAEMST Award Winner Allysen Lovstuen
-- Donor Spotlight: Alan and Barbara Hubbard
-- News fro KME
-- Farewell to Three Colleagues: Dr. Bin Liu, Jihwa Noh and Matthew Webb
-- In Memoriam: Augusta Schurrer
-- Contributions to an Account – Recognition
-- Math Fair
-- Department of Mathematics Funds
-- Department of Mathematics Contribution Form
-- Alumni info request - Let us hear from you...

Publication Date



Department of Mathematics, University of Northern Iowa


Cedar Falls, IA

File Format


The Wright Message, 2015-2016



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