Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Protein-protein interactions; Proteins--Conformation; Academic theses;


Structural alignment is an important tool for identifying structural and functional relationships between proteins. A typical protein structure alignment method is an iterative algorithm that computes an optimal residue-residue correspondence, once for each inspected spatial superposition of the input proteins. The significance of this study allows us to better understand how important it is to explore in deep the analysis of proteins structure using a residue pair distance as the way to align two proteins. We assess the extent of improvements in the accuracy of the existing methods that can be made by exploring the search space in a more detailed manner. As part of this study, we carried out two benchmarks. In the first benchmark, the improvement in the accuracies of three well known algorithms for protein structure comparison is assessed using a set of reference alignments generated by experts in the field. The second benchmark utilizes a set of commonly accepted measures of protein structure alignment quality.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Computer Science

First Advisor

Aleksandar Poleksic

Second Advisor

Mark A. Fineup

Third Advisor

Michael H. Walter


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Date Original


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1 PDF file (46 leaves)



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