Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Teenagers--Alcohol use--Iowa; Teenagers--Sexual behavior--Iowa; Teenagers--Alcohol use; Teenagers--Sexual behavior; Iowa;


The purpose of this study was to determine if the quantity and frequency of alcohol consumption by adolescents is associated with their voluntary participation in a continuum of sexual behaviors.

Sixty-one males and 14 females between the age of 18-25 from two substance abuse agencies in Iowa were surveyed. They were asked to provide some basic demographic information (i.e., age, gender, etc.,) and to retrospectively answer questions regarding their referral source to the agency where they completed the questionnaire, residence as an adolescent, family with whom they lived during adolescence, personal quantity and frequency choices for alcohol consumption, attitudes and opinions about adolescent alcohol consumption, attitudes and opinions about selected sexual behaviors, and their participation, as an adolescent, in a continuum of selected sexual behaviors.

There was a statistically significant relationship between the frequency of adolescent alcohol use, quantity of alcohol use, choice to drink to drunkeness, frequency of drinking to drunkeness, and development of selected sexual attitudes. It was also apparent from this study that how much and how often an adolescent drinks alcohol is associated with their willingness to participate in a continuum of selected sexual behaviors.

There was no statistical significance between where the adolescents lived or whom they lived with and the quantity and/or frequency of their drinking choices or selected sexual behaviors. The majority of subjects in this study participated in sexual intercourse, however, as the quantity and frequency of alcohol use increased, it was less likely the participants practiced safe sex by using a condom even when they believed it important to do so. This, of course, puts adolescents at risk for sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV/AIDS) and unwanted pregnancy.

The respondents, as adolescents, were making high risk drinking choices and were also participating in a range of sexual behaviors. It would appear there continues to be a need for education to lessen the ''at risk" behaviors of this age group.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services

First Advisor

Dennis Cryer

Second Advisor

Diane Depken

Third Advisor

Katherine Van Wormer


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1 PDF file (131 leaves)



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