Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Cigarette habit; College students--Tobacco use; Smoking;


This study was designed to describe the influence of selected factors on nonsmoking behavior among traditional age college students. Specifically, eight potential sources of influence were examined: family, peer, media, admired role model, health, physician, education, and aesthetic factors. A questionnaire was designed and delivered to students in general education Personal Wellness classes at the University of Northern Iowa. Subjects (N=169) were asked to identify the degree to which various factors influenced their decision not to smoke cigarettes including: smoking/nonsmoking behavior by others, and specific selected factors. In addition, the subjects ranked the top-five influences from one (1) to five (5) with one being the most influential in their decision not to smoke. Five of the selected factors surfaced as a top influence. Consistently, family and health were rated as the top-two throughout the survey. To a lesser degree, yet indicated in at least one area of the survey as a strong influence, were aesthetic factors, education, and peers. The least influential factors on the subjects' decisions not to smoke cigarettes include admired role model, media, and physician.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services

First Advisor

Dennis Cryer

Second Advisor

Jane E. Richards

Third Advisor

Elton E. Green


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Date Original


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