Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Junior high schools--Curricula--Iowa; Science--Study and teaching (Secondary)--Iowa; Vocational education--Curricula--Iowa; Junior high schools--Curricula; Science--Study and teaching (Secondary); Vocational education--Curricula; Iowa;


The objectives of this study were (1) to reveal the status of career-vocational development practices taking place now in the junior high school science departments of Iowa, (2) to describe the type of career-vocational development experiences being offered to approximately 55% of Iowa pupils in grades 7, 8, and 9, and (3) to identify the amount of emphasis being placed upon career-vocational development education at these grade levels of the science curriculum.

The principal method used was a questionnaire survey. This was carried out by mailing a 74 item questionnaire to 137 junior high principals. Replies totaling 119 were returned (86%). The population sampled represented 53.7% of the total number of students in Iowa public junior high schools.

The significant findings were (1) more career-vocational emphasis is occuring in the science area than any other subject matter area, (2) a rather small number of schools (21%) are following the IOWA HANDBOOK plan of career education provided by the Iowa State Department of Public Instruction, (3) a director of the career-vocational development programs was designated by 40.3% of the schools in the survey, (4) of the schools surveyed 12.6% reported a full-time director for their career-vocational development program, (5) a small amount of money (3.3%) of science budgets are allocated for career-vocational development emphasis within the science classes, (6) providing literature and general testing were the two major career-vocational development functions of the

guidance staff in the schools surveyed, (7) over half (58%) of the schools studied indicated that none of their science instructors were well qualified in career-vocational development education, (8) more science teachers were qualified in the area of agriculture, fishing, forestry, environment, ecology than any other general occupational area, (9) exploratory work-study programs are offered by almost no (6.7%) Iowa junior high schools, (10) over three fourths (78.2%) of the schools provide no job site visits for their science students, (11) only 12.6% of the schools utilize classroom guests from the world of work, (1.2) nearly half (47.1%) of the schools reported career-vocational development emphasis for the handicapped pupils (including special education), (13) more schools reported girls in shop classes (19.3%) than boys in home economics courses (16.8%), (14) science clubs were reported by 48.7% of the schools, (15) group guidance, films, recordings, bulletin boards and displays were reported to be the most successful career-vocational development activities, and (16) vocational agriculture is offered at only 1 grade level (9th) and was reported by 24.4% of the schools.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Specialist in Education


Department of Educational Leadership and Postsecondary Education


Department of School Administration and Personnel Services

First Advisor

Donald L. Hanson


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Object Description

1 PDF file (143 pages)


