Science Education Update Conference Documents

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Bettendorf and Davenport Community Schools have been given the opportunity to work directly with Achieve on an audit for their Iowa Science Standard Implementation. This audit includes classroom visits, interviews with teachers, surveys, and a deep dive into school data. In this presentation, Chris will share the data he pulled to use as a baseline as well as direction on how it was analyzed. Classroom observation forms, survey questions, and other documents created and used by Achieve for their audit will also be shared.


Science Education Program


Afternoon Sessions #2: 2:00 to 2:50 p.m.

Are We Doing a Good Job? Evaluating Iowa Science Standard (NGSS) Implementation with Achive; Rod LIbrary 301, Christopher Like; Bettendorf Community School District STEM Coordinator; and Tammy Askeland-Nagle, Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency

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