Rhythms: Music at the University of Northern Iowa
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University of Northern Iowa. School of Music--Periodicals;
Inside This Issue:
-- From the Director
-- UNI String Students and the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra
-- Varsity Men's Glee Club Takes the UK by Storm
-- UNI Opera Ensemble Traveled to Costa Rica
-- UNI School of Music 2006-07 Spotlight Series
-- Success Stories in Jazz Studies
-- The East Coast Tour
-- Director of Jazz Studies, Christopher Merz Awarded Outstanding Teaching Recognition
-- A Silver Celebration! 25th Annual Scholarship Benefit Concert
-- Sensational Music + Exceptional Artistry = A Dazzling Evening of Marvelous Performances
-- "Special Donors" to the 2005 Scholarship Benefits Concert, which raised $32,860
-- The Chronicle of Opera at UNI: Success Stories Abound!
-- Composers of Opera among UNI Faculty...Indeed!
-- Outreach Programs are Simply...Outstanding
-- Summer Harp Workshop a Success at UNI
-- Carillon Bells Are Ringing!
-- Student Awards
-- Thomas Tritle retires
-- It Was a Very Good Year
-- School of Music Welcomes New Faculty Members
-- Faculty Activities
-- Alumni Update: School of Music Alumni Trumpeters' Successes Amid Alumni Updates
-- Emeritus Faculty Activities
Higher Education | Music
Publication Date
Fall 2006
School of Music, University of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, IA
©2006 School of Music, University of Northern Iowa;
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Recommended Citation
University of Northern Iowa. School of Music., "Rhythms: Music at the University of Northern Iowa, v25, Fall 2006" (2006). Rhythms: Music at the University of Northern Iowa. 11.
Rhythms: Music at the University of Northern Iowa is an annual newsletter published by the University of Northern Iowa School of Music. Prior to 2004, the newsletter was simply titled Music at Northern Iowa.