Volume 6, Number 1 (1963) Midwest: A Literary Review
Front Matter
Prefatory Note
Prefatory Note
L. Taylor
Confessions of a Card
Eddie Ver Sluis
The Faculty Chair: The Awakening Peon
Edward J. Thorne
Summer Rites
John Neith
I Saw Love One Day
Linda Rice
Why, Professor?
Mimi DiBlasio
False Footlights
Kent Speirs
In Moonlight and Roses
Barbara Brinkmann
The River Watchers
Alinda Sumers
iscellaneous Conten
A Portfolio from the Permanent Collection
Paul R. Smith
Back Matter

- Editor
- Loren Taylor
- Associate Editors
- James Hearst and Francis E. Smith
- Art Editor
- Paul R. Smith
- Advisory Editor
- H. W. Reninger
- Layout and Typography
- College Relations Office
- Cover Design
- Don Adkins