Faculty Publications
Unfolding Principled Actions for Ethnographic Archiving as an Axis of Development
Document Type
Book Chapter
Journal/Book/Conference Title
Interactional Ethnography: Designing and Conducting Discourse-Based Ethnographic Research
This chapter introduces principled actions for constructing and engaging with an archive guided by an interactional ethnographic (IE) logic-of-inquiry through unfolding of IE analytical processes in two telling cases of research studies in different contexts in higher education. The goal is to present a conceptually grounded approach for ethnographic archiving within IE guided research projects. Taking the position of researchers-as-learners and practitioners, two IE ethnographers (re)formulated and unfolded their analytic processes as principled actions for ethnographic archiving based on principles of conduct that guide IE research. Starting with their respective overarching research questions, each researcher unfolds their telling case through phases of the research process in dynamic and ongoing interactions between known and unknown elements of the study. This trajectory of the ethnographers' developing understandings over cycles of analyses is graphically represented as axes of development which make visible actions and decision-making processes across the phases of their research. In this way, an axis of development makes transparent the often invisible layers of work required in conducting ethnographic studies in educational settings. This chapter, therefore, proposes the concept of an axis of development as a means of addressing calls for transparency in reporting on research processes in educational research.
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Original Publication Date
DOI of published version
Recommended Citation
Chian, Monaliza Maximo and Kalainoff, Melinda Z., "Unfolding Principled Actions for Ethnographic Archiving as an Axis of Development" (2022). Faculty Publications. 5724.