Faculty Publications
Are The “Big 5” Personality Traits Associated With Substance Use Self-Stigma?
Document Type
personality traits, self-stigma, substance use
Journal/Book/Conference Title
Journal of Drug Issues
Self-stigma among individuals with substance use problems is notably high, but not all individuals with substance use problems experience elevated self-stigma. Unfortunately, there is limited research to account for such variation. A few studies have examined the association between personality traits from the five-factor model (FFM; “Big 5”) and self-stigma among those with mental illness, but no research exists among individuals with substance use disorders. Based on data from 125 individuals residing in a substance use treatment unit, the FFM personality traits collectively account for 33% to 56% of the variance across four components of self-stigma. More specifically, individuals with high neuroticism, low conscientiousness, and/or low extraversion experience greater self-stigma. The identification of at-risk individuals, via personality traits, could allow for development of targeted interventions to address self-stigma, and ultimately improve treatment retention and outcomes.
Department of Psychology
Original Publication Date
DOI of published version
Recommended Citation
Brown, Seth A. and I., "Are The “Big 5” Personality Traits Associated With Substance Use Self-Stigma?" (2023). Faculty Publications. 5404.