Faculty Publications
Age-Dependent Aerobic Capacity Among Young And Middle-Aged Males
Document Type
Aging, Anaerobic threshold, Exercise, Muscle strength
Journal/Book/Conference Title
Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche
First Page
Last Page
BACKGROUND: Good aerobic capacity is one of the attributes of good cardiovascular function. Physical activity that is performed in steady state and the lower third zone of submaximal intensity seems appropriate for physiological adaptation in advancing age. There is a need to evaluate the effect of age on physiological variables contributing to aerobic capacity using submaximal intensities. The purpose of this study is to analyze the differences m oxygen uptake, oxygen pulse, and minute ventilation during exercise at steady state, ventilatory threshold, and maximal intensity zones among men of different ages. METHODS: Three hundred and twelve senior managers m three age groups (20-30, 30-40, and 40-50) completed an exercise protocol in six stages. RESULTS: Hie result demonstrated a series of differences among the age groups: height, weight, oxygen uptake, oxygen pulse and relative minute ventilation. According to these results the morphological physiological variables decline with age. CONCLUSIONS: These findings demonstrate the specificities of the morphological, ventilatory, metabolic, and cardiovascular changes throughout aging. When designing a physical activity program, it seems that similar principles can be followed in different age groups; however, maximal intensity maintenance is limited by physiological barriers m older adults. (Cite this article as: Ihasz F, Boros P, Szabo P. Olah A, Fueedi B. Bognar J. Age-dependent aerobic capacity among young and middle-aged males. Gazz Med Ital - Arch Sci Med 2016;175:68-75).
Original Publication Date
UNI ScholarWorks, Rod Library, University of Northern Iowa
Recommended Citation
Ihász, Ferenc; Boros, Piroska; Szabó, Peter; Oláh, Andras; Fügedi, Balázs; and Bognár, József, "Age-Dependent Aerobic Capacity Among Young And Middle-Aged Males" (2016). Faculty Publications. 1106.