Science Education Update Conference Documents

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I teach in one of the largest public school districts in Iowa, and have always been bothered by how the demographics of my course rosters differ significantly from the diverse enrollment at my school. My talk will address some of what can be done to reduce gate keeping that limits opportunities for students that might not typically take courses like AP Physics, how I have managed to push-in to our ELL introductory science course with many of the same activities that I use in my grade level and AP physics courses, as well as my experience with AIP's STEP UP program and the Underrepresentation in Physics curriculum. Participants will be provided with resources that they can take back to their own science classrooms and implement right away.


Matt Harding, Iowa City West High School Science Teacher

  • Session: Afternoon #1
  • Title: A Twofold Approach to Addressing Under-Representation in Science
  • Date: April 1, 2022
  • Time: 1:00 - 1:50 p.m.
  • Location: Rod Library 301, University of Northern Iowa

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