Graduate Research Papers
This collection contains graduate research papers by students in the Department of Languages and Literatures.
The Graduate Research Paper is a non-thesis paper or project, which can be considered the capstone of the graduate program. For the paper, students synthesize information they have learned throughout the program and apply it to the field experience. To view the Award Winners, click here.
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Submissions from 2024
Fostering Multiliteracies and Engagement with Multimodal Texts in the Secondary English Language Arts Classroom, Amanda J. Hargis Open Access Graduate Research Paper
How Pizza and Stickers Drove My Kids to Read and Kept Them Reading, Tiya Montaño Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Retention and Attrition of Teachers of Color: Why Teachers of Color Leave the Profession, Alexix Noring Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
A Departure from Standards Focused Writing, Clement Peneueta Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Culturally Responsive Practice and Reading Motivation: Action Research on Community Involvement in Literature Circles, Lindsey Sinnwell Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Submissions from 2021
It's hard to lose: Embracing a place-based mindset and reculturing rural areas and students, Anthony T. Skip Olson Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Submissions from 2020
De Vos a Tú: Acomodación lingüística y actitudes lingüísticas en estudiantes internacionales de Centroamérica en los Estados Unidos = De Vos a Tú: linguistic accommodation and language attitudes among Central American international students in the United States, Jose Salinas Herrera Open Access Graduate Research Paper 2021 Award
Submissions from 2008
Identity in second language learning: Access to the target language group, Stephanie J. Marra Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2006
Intuition, reflection, and theory: Student and teacher learning through multigenre memoir, Angela A. Benham Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Submissions from 2005
Toward successful student writers: Change and growth in writing workshop, Kirstey Ewald Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2000
Heaven and Hell united: What Dreams May Come in Purgatory, Lisa Beierschmitt Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Submissions from 1993
Les influences du milieu canadien sur le vocabulaire du français québécois, Carol A. Wilson Open Access Graduate Research Paper