Iowa Academy of Science National Wildlife Audio Series

Publication Type
Union Slough National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1938 with a purpose shared by most National Wildlife refuges -- to provide a refuge and breeding ground for waterfowl and other migratory birds. However, protecting and managing Union Slough National Wildlife Refuge for this purpose has resulted in the protection of an entire habitat, the prairie pothole region.
What was once the bottom and coastal area of an inland sea is today surrounded by a sea of corn and soybeans. In the audio segments below, Iowa Academy of Science members will share how that inland sea transformed into the prairie pothole region, what evidence has been found about the earliest humans to live in the region, the evolution of conservation efforts at Union Slough NWR and how the wildlife of Union Slough NWR are connected to each other and to us. We recommend you burn these segments onto a CD and listen to them in your car as you drive the Union Slough auto tour route.
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©2008 by the Iowa Academy of Science
Series audios are available for personal and educational use and may not be edited or used in derivative work without permission of the segment author. The series classroom journalling activity is available for educational use.
Recommended Citation
Iowa Academy of Science, "Union Slough National Wildlife Refuge" (2008). Iowa Academy of Science National Wildlife Audio Series. 6.