Faculty Publications
Presence of Erosional Features and Cover of Grasses, Forbs, and Bare Ground on Fields Enrolled in Grassland, Wetland, and Wildlife Practices of the Conservation Reserve Program in the Central and Western United States from 2016 to 2018
Document Type
Journal/Book/Conference Title
U.S. Geological Survey: Fort Collins Science Center
Data included in this data set are from in-field and edge-of-field surveys that recorded the presence of erosional features and cover of vegetation and bare ground on 1786 Conservation Reserve Program fields across three types of conservation practices (grassland, wetland, and wildlife). Field sampling data were recorded across six US Department of Agriculture Farm Production Regions (Corn belt, Lake states, Mountain, Northern plains, Pacific, Southern plains) from 2016 to 2018. The study area encompassed all or part of 14 states: Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. These data constitute the first national level assessment of CRP establishment across regions and practice types in three decades. Complete methods and other additional information are provided in the journal article associated with this data release (Vandever and others, 2021).
Department of Biology
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DOI of published version
Recommended Citation
Wen, Ai; Vandever, Mark; Carter, Sarah K.; Assal, Timothy J.; Elgersma, Kenneth; Welty, Justin; Iovanna, Rich; and Arkle, Robert, "Presence of Erosional Features and Cover of Grasses, Forbs, and Bare Ground on Fields Enrolled in Grassland, Wetland, and Wildlife Practices of the Conservation Reserve Program in the Central and Western United States from 2016 to 2018" (2021). Faculty Publications. 6541.