Faculty Publications
Acquisition And Generalization Of Functional Words In Community Grocery Stores Using Videotaped Instruction
Document Type
Journal/Book/Conference Title
Career Development for Exceptional Individuals
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of videotaped instruction for acquisition and generalization of functional sight words used in a community grocery store. The participants were three young adults with mental retardation who attended a public high school. The young adults were taught sight words using videotaped instruction in school. Generalization and maintenance were assessed in a community grocery store. Using a multiple baseline across participants design, the intervention was demonstrated to be effective in fostering acquisition of functional words in the classroom, as well as generalization to the community site. Results were maintained after a 5-month follow-up period. Advantages of videotaped instruction for practitioners were discussed and include (a) more efficient use of teacher time, (b) increased opportunities to review and practice, (c) bringing the natural setting into the classroom, and (d) reliability of training. Future research needs include replications in a variety of other community settings, across types and degrees of disabilities, and across skill areas. The need to explore the efficacy of videotaped instruction for teaching comprehension of functional sight words is also discussed.
Department of Special Education
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Recommended Citation
Kyhl, Rebecca; Alper, Sandra; and Sinclair, Thomas J., "Acquisition And Generalization Of Functional Words In Community Grocery Stores Using Videotaped Instruction" (1999). Faculty Publications. 3736.