University of Northern Iowa. Department of Languages and Literatures. Jennifer Cooley Caitlin Agrosinger
During the spring and fall semesters of 2016, UNI students collaborated with adult Learners in English classes at the YWCA in Waterloo, Iowa as language partners. The stories below are just a sample o..
During the spring and fall semesters of 2016, UNI students collaborated with adult Learners in English classes at the YWCA in Waterloo, Iowa as language partners. The stories below are just a sample of all the different backgrounds and talents that the adult English Learners brought to the collaboration. At the end of the fall 2016 semester, the YWCA students were invited to write about their past, present and/or future and, if they wanted to, about their family as well. (The document that prompted them to share their ideas is on the first page!) UNI students offered assistance, as needed, to help the YWCA students craft their stories. Students were also invited to share fabric from their home countries. These fragments of cloth inspired the patterns on the book cover and throughout its pages. We present this text as a means to join together words and images that linked students from around the world as partners in Learning.
This is an Open Access book. 2016 by YWCA English Students in Collaboration with UNI Students Illustrated by Caitlin Argotsinger Edited by Jennifer Cooley
Cedar Falls, IA
1 PDF file
University of Northern Iowa
UNI ScholarWorks, Rod Library, University of Northern Iowa