Here are the top ten downloaded items (of all time) from ScholarWorks.
Factors Affecting Economic Growth in Developing Countries
The effects of blended learning on K-12th grade students
Duality in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The picture of Dorian Gray, and "Dionea"
Divorce and its effects on the development of children
The impact of student organizations on the development of core competencies
Perceived Causes and Methods of Examination Malpractice in the Malawian Education System: A Case Study of Secondary Schools in South East Education Division (SEED)
The effect of digital game-based learning on student learning: A literature review
Play-based early childhood classrooms and the effect on pre-kindergarten social and academic achievement
The economic impacts of annual community festivals: A case of the Sturgis Falls Celebration, 2013
A textual analysis of the role of women in historical fiction for young people