Here are the top downloaded items that were created before the 2000s.

For the full collection, go to the Top 150 Downloads collection in UNI ScholarWorks.

The wives of alcoholics: Three models

The wives of alcoholics: Three models

A vision of leadership : a reflective essay

A vision of leadership : a reflective essay

Game theory and its practical applications

Game theory and its practical applications

Phonemic awareness : an action research study

Phonemic awareness : an action research study

Four major components of a behavioral objective and the advantage of using behavioral objectives

Four major components of a behavioral objective and the advantage of using behavioral objectives

An analysis of the abaca natural fiber in reinforcing concrete composites as a construction material in developing countries

An analysis of the abaca natural fiber in reinforcing concrete composites as a construction material in developing countries

Dance as a cultural element in Spain and Spanish America

Dance as a cultural element in Spain and Spanish America

The Concept of Attitude

The Concept of Attitude

The Effect of Wind on Transpiration and Evaporation Through Multiperforate Septa

The Effect of Wind on Transpiration and Evaporation Through Multiperforate Septa

Profile of the incestuous father

Profile of the incestuous father