Here are the top downloaded items that were created in the 2020s.

For the full collection, go to the Top 150 Downloads collection in UNI ScholarWorks.

An Economic Analysis of the Effects of Streaming on the Music Industry in Response to Criticism from Taylor Swift

An Economic Analysis of the Effects of Streaming on the Music Industry in Response to Criticism from Taylor Swift

Stock Market Analysis Using Linear Regression

Stock Market Analysis Using Linear Regression

Meme marketing: How viral marketing adapts to the internet culture

Meme marketing: How viral marketing adapts to the internet culture

Mental illness representation in young adult literature

Mental illness representation in young adult literature

On beauty: Ancient perceptions of beauty from classical Greece to Imperial Rome

On beauty: Ancient perceptions of beauty from classical Greece to Imperial Rome

How quality management has been impacted in the face of COVID-19

How quality management has been impacted in the face of COVID-19