Honors Program Theses


Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)

First Advisor

Tom Hall


Communication in management; Oral communication; Written communication; Telematics;


The significance of communication skills in the workplace has been well-established over the past 20 years (Carnevale, Gainer, Meltzer, & Holland, 1988). However, communication is constantly evolving as a result of new technology and changes in the workplace. With these changes, new skills become important. In order to be successful in the workplace of today, it is necessary to constantly update and understand the meaning of the term “communication skills.” This thesis looks at the traditional communication skills of writing and oral communication, as well as the skills associated with the newer ability to communicate through various forms of technology. Information regarding the importance of these skills and the preparedness of new graduates to use them was collected in survey format from both college seniors and employers of new college graduates. The data were then analyzed to allow for comparisons to be made between the perceptions of students and employers. Past studies in this area have tended to focus on the opinions of employers and university professors. While this is clearly important, there is also value in learning the opinions of students who bring new ideas and communication techniques into the workplace. As previously stated, it is also important to continuously update information in this area, as it is one that is constantly changing. The purpose of this thesis is to aid in determining which aspects of the three communication skills are most important for success in the present workplace and whether new college graduates are adequately prepared to utilize these skills. By understanding these views, employers, professors, and students can work to pinpoint those communication skills which are lacking in new graduates and improve them for the future.

Year of Submission



Department of Communication Studies

University Honors Designation

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the designation University Honors

Date Original


Object Description

41 p.



File Format


Off-Campus Download
